Mitesh Tutorial Info: CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Important Questions for Exam 2023 (Chapter - Trigonometry)

Monday, February 6, 2023

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Important Questions for Exam 2023 (Chapter - Trigonometry)


Important Mathematics Questions of  Class X Chapter {Trigonometry}            for CBSE Examination 2023

  1.     What happens to value of Cos θ, when θ increases from 00 to 900?
  2.    If A and B are acute angles and Cosec A = Sec B, then find the value of A + B.
  3.    Find the value of Cot 100 Cot 300 Cot 800
  4.     If cos2A = Sin (A - 150), find A.
  5.    Find the value of tan2100 – cot2800.
  6.   If tan (3x + 300) = 1, then find the value of x.
  7.   If A and B are acute angles and Sin A = Cos B, then find the value of A + B.
  8.   Find the value of x, when it is given that cos (4x – 100) = 0
  9.  Find the value of Cos 10 cos 20 cos 30 …..…… cos 1800.
  10.  If Cos 3 θ = 1/2 , 0 ‹ θ ‹ 200, then find the value of θ.
  11.  If cot A = 12/5, then find the value of (Sin A + Cos A)cosec A.
  12. If 1 – tan2A = 2/3, find the value of A.
  13. If Tan A = √3 and A is acute, then find the value of 2 A.
  14. Express: tan680 + sec680 in terms of trigonometric ratio of angles lying between         00 to 450.
  15. Evaluate: (sec2370 – cot2530).tan210.tan690 – sin510.cos390 – cos510.sin390.
  16. Find the acute angle A satisfying the equation: sec2A + tan2A = 3.
  17.  If Sin 3A = Cos (A – 60), where 3A and (A – 60) are both acute angles, find the value of A.
  18. If A is an acute angle and Sin A = Cos A, find: 3tan2A + 2sin2A + cos2A – 1 .
  19. In triangle ABC, angle B = 900, AB = 3 cm and BC = 4 cm. Find: (i) Sin C                   (ii) Cos C             (iii) Sec A  (iv) Cosec A
  20. Evaluate:  Sin(500 + A) – Cos (400 – A) + tan10 tan100 tan 200 tan700 tan 800 tan 890          + sec (900 – A).cosec A – tan(900 – A). cot A.


  1. If tan A = 3/7, find the value of sin A.
  2.  In PQR, right angled at Q, PR + QR = 25cm and PQ = 5 cm. determine the value of Sin P, Cos P and tan P.
  3.  If sin 3A = Cos (A – 260), where 3A is an acute angle, find the value of A.
  4.  If tan (A + B) = √3 and tan (A – B) = 1, then find A and B.
  5.  If sec 4A = cosec (A – 200), where 4A is an acute angle, then find the value of A.
  6.  Prove that: (1 + tan2 v) (1 – sin v) (1 + sin v) = 1
  7.  If sec v – tan v = √2 tan v, then show that: sec v + tan v = √2 sec v.
  8. Prove that: b2x2 – a2y2 = a2b2, if x = a sec v; y = b tan v.
  9.  If tan A + sin A = m and tan A – sin A = n, show that m2 – n2 = 4.
  10. If x = a sin θ + b cos θ and y = a cos θ – b sin θ then prove that x2 + y2 = a2 + b2.
  11. If 15tan2θ + 4sec2θ = 23, then find the value of (sec θ + cosec θ)2 – sin2θ.
  12. If x sin3θ + y cos3θ = sin θ cos θ and x sin θ = y cos θ, prove that: x2 + y2 = 1.
  13.  Prove that: 2(sin6θ + cos6θ) – 3(sin4θ + cos4θ) + 1 = 0.
  14. If tan(200 - 3α) = cot(5α – 200), then find the value of α and hence evaluate: sin α .     sec α . tan α – cosec α . cos α . cot α
  15.  Taking θ = 300, verify that
  16. (i)                 Cos2θ = 1 – 2sin2θ
  17. (ii)             Sin3θ = 3sin θ – 4sin3θ .
  18.  Express the trigonometric ratios sin A, sec A and tan A in terms of cot A.


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